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lundi 24 mars 2014

UK government closes tax loophole on digital media, could mean the end of the 99p song download

Buried inside of a ultimate bill devise for a UK, Chancellor George Osborne voiced brand brand new laws which would safeguard internet downloads from a likes of iTunes, Google Play Amazon as well as diversion networks would be taxed in a nation they’re paid for in. In a box of a UK, which would be around twenty percent VAT, almost some-more than offered by countries similar to Luxembourg where a rate can be around 3 percent. Separate to a government’s grand skeleton for a digital future, a brand brand new order would begin Jan 1st 2015 — “ensuring these have been taxed sincerely as well as assisting to strengthen revenue.” According to a government’s estimates, it could net around £300 million in additional taxation income, nonetheless it’s expected to move digital download pricing (unfortunately) closer to earthy media in a process.


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